Thursday, March 25, 2010

Swing and a miss.

So I witnessed a real-life train wreck last night coming home from school on the bus (metaphorically speaking of course).

As I took a seat on the GO Bus, the song on my iPod started to fade and before the next song started I heard a conversation going on behind me. Usually I would pay absolutely no attention to this and turn up the volume to drown it out, but I paused it when I heard a guy say "What's your major?".

Now we've all been told eavesdropping is "unethical" and all that crap, but realistically, we all do it and the odd time it's actually interesting. But anyways back to the story. The conversation I was hearing went something like this:

"What's your major?"

*I turn to my left and see the rather attractive girl respond*


"Say word. So you deal wit' like crazy people n' shit eh?"

"I guess you could say that..."

"Haha, well good luck wif dat."

"Thanks..." *Girl instantly gets on her cell phone*

*Conversation ends, cue long ass bus ride*

*Lights on bus come on*

Guy behind me: "Wow...I'm like speechless..." (After seeing her in the light I'm assuming)

*Girl politely smiles*

"Guess I'll see you on da bus eh?"

"I guess so."

"Yo, you got Facebook?"

"No." *Speedwalks down aisle and off bus*

Me under my breath: "Swing and a miss..."

I spent the next few minutes trying not to burst out laughing, poor guy.

Props to the dude for having the courage to try and pick up a girl on of all places, an hour and a half bus ride, because you know if you strike out, that's one long ass awkward ride. God knows I'm way too much of a pussy to even try that myself.

Entertainment on the GO, who knew?

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