Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Goldmember revisited

Austin Powers in Goldmember
Year: 2002
Director: Jay Roach
Starring: Mike Myers

First Impression: I've probably seen this movie at least 20 times. I also saw it in theatres 4 times. I am not proud of this, but at the time this was the absolute pinnacle of comedy to my 13-year-old brain. I could not quote every third line in the movie enough in my daily life. It was also the very first DVD I ever owned.

Prediction: I cringe even thinking of re-watching this. I'd really like to think over the past 12 years that my sense of humour has somewhat improved. This is probably going to retroactively be the worst movie I've ever seen.

Result: The first thing I noticed were all the A-list actors with cameos:

Tom Cruise, Gwenyth Paltrow, Kevin Spacey, Danny DeVito, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg (just to name a few)
At the time, I probably wasn't familiar with any one else's filmography, but now that I do, I wonder why they'd be in any way associated with this piece of shit.

Michael Caine has a supporting role in this???
As much as I'd like to not admit it...there are a few moments that still make me laugh and on occasion still subconsciously use some lines...

But overall, still an abortion of a film that should be set on fire and buried in a landfill. The fact that it along with My Big Fat Greek Wedding were some of the highest grossing films of that year show you where comedy stood in 2002...

Previous: Scarface

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Scarface revisited

Year: 1983
Director: Brian De Palma
Starring: Al Pacino

As a part of my new series...

First Impression: I was probably 14 or so when I first saw this, so it's been about 11 years. I remember hearing how awesome this movie was from a lot of people my age. After pretending that I'd seen for long enough, I picked it up one weekend wandering the Pickering Flea Market. 

I wondered even then why the dude even allowed a teenager to buy such a "mature" rated movie, especially since I didn't even look 14 (I'm probably at that now), but I guess the vendors at a Flea Market are really all about the bottom line.

I watched it and like every other boy with a steady flow of testosterone, thought it was fucking awesome. I finally understood all the posters and rap songs and rearview mirror danglers! (Someone I knew had one, reveal yourself)

Prediction: It probably hasn't held up as well as I thought as a teenager and I'm probably not going to have much sympathy for that asshole Tony Montana.

Result: Wow...Tony Montana is much more of an asshole than I remember...but it's still a pretty solid movie. I definitely remember being a little confused about the plot when I was younger because "who cares?? Guns and cocaine!", but now it seems pretty linear to me and has some pretty good messages that I definitely overlooked as a kid. 

Although I feel the same way as I did in the past about Michelle Pfeiffer. That's really the best girl for the drug lord of Miami?

The Great Re-watch Project (until I find a better name for it)

I very seldom have any inspiration to write, but when I do I feel like I have a lot to say...

And because I have absolutely no financial security to say what I really want about anything without being shitcanned, another idea came to me...

What movies haven't I watched in awhile?

Over the past few years or so, I've been on a mini project of sorts trying to watch some of the most critically acclaimed movies of all-time and most of them hold up even after numerous decades (especially the 70s).

But then I thought to myself...what movies from my childhood or teenage years did I hold in such high regard?

I've decided to go through my own movie collection (and memories) and take a second look at some films that I haven't watched in awhile.

So for each film that I revisit, I'll be dividing each post into three sections:

First Impression: What I thought of the movie years ago when I held it in the highest regard.

Prediction: What I believe I'll feel about it in retrospect before re-watching it.

Result: What I think of it now after re-watching it.


Austin Powers in Goldmember