Wednesday, April 28, 2010

NHL Playoffs - Second Round Predictions


(4) Pittsburgh vs. (8) Montreal

Prediction: Pittsburgh in 6
Result: Montreal in 7

(6) Boston vs. (7) Philadelphia

Prediction: Boston in 7
Result: Philadelphia in 7


(1) San Jose vs. (5) Detroit

Prediction: Detroit in 6
Result: San Jose in 5

(2) Chicago vs. (3) Vancouver

Prediction: Vancouver in 7
Result: Chicago in 6

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Last Hurrah?

So I'm officially done with school...well with classes anyway. Haven't even looked an internship yet but whatever, I didn't graduate high school on time and I don't plan on doing it now either.

It's been an awesome two years at Seneca, but it's been crazy how fast it's gone by.

It seems like just yesterday that we (the first group at least) sat down in Bob Laine's class upstairs and heard his "encouraging" words to us.

I remember Kevin walking in and asking old Bob if this was Radio Broadcasting, with Bob spewing back "What? I don't look like I've been on the radio???"

We had that giant lecture hall class that introduced us to the one and only Jim Craig.

We were taught how to record those annoying tones onto cassette by Professor Redshoes himself.

And we struggled with putting interviews onto the reel to reel (thanks for coming to my rescue about 50 times during that Jim), while shitting our pants over a fake 15 minute radio show that only like 10 people would witness (or maybe that was just me).

I guess we should be proud in being the last group ever to use cassettes and learn how to cut tape?

Anyways, at this point I'm just rambling, so I'll try to wrap this up.

I just wanted to thank you all for making the past two years so much fun. You're all amazing and talented people who will give this industry a long overdue shot in the arm.

And to all the teachers that taught us and helped us along the way, thank you as well.

Good luck to everyone in whatever you end up doing, wherever you end up going.

And please stay in touch.

The last hurrah? Nah, I'd do it again.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

NBA Playoffs - First Round Predictions


(1) Cleveland vs. (8) Chicago

Prediction: Cleveland in 6
Result: Cleveland in 5

(2) Orlando vs. (7) Charlotte

Prediction: Orlando in 6
Result: Orlando in 4

(3) Atlanta vs. (6) Milwaukee

Prediction: Atlanta in 5
Result: Atlanta in 7

(4) Boston vs. (5) Miami

Prediction: Boston in 7
Result: Boston in 5


(1) Los Angeles vs. (8) Oklahoma City

Prediction: Los Angeles in 7
Result: Los Angeles in 6 (BARELY!)

(2) Dallas vs. (7) San Antonio

Prediction: San Antonio in 7
Result: San Antonio in 6

(3) Phoenix vs. (6) Portland

Prediction: Phoenix in 6
Result: Phoenix in 6

(4) Denver vs. (5) Utah

Prediction: Utah in 6
Result: Utah in 6

8 for 8 in straight picks
2 for 8 in games picks (not good at this...)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

NHL Playoffs - First Round Predictions

I know I'm probably the only person making playoff predictions in Canada, so this should be interesting and unique.

My first round predictions:


(1) Washington vs. (8) Montreal

Prediction: Washington in 6
Result: Montreal in 7

(2) New Jersey vs. (7) Philadelphia

Prediction: New Jersey in 6
Result: Philadelphia in 5

(3) Buffalo vs. (6) Boston

Prediction: Boston in 7
Result: Boston in 6

(4) Pittsburgh vs. (5) Ottawa

Prediction: Pittsburgh in 6
Result: Pittsburgh in 6


(1) San Jose vs. (8) Colorado

Prediction: San Jose in 5
Result: San Jose in 6

(2) Chicago vs. (7) Nashville

Prediction: Chicago in 4
Result: Chicago in 6

(3) Vancouver vs. (6) Los Angeles

Prediction: Los Angeles in 7
Result: Vancouver in 6

(4) Phoenix vs. (5) Detroit

Prediction: Detroit in 6
Result: Detroit in 7


5 for 8 in straight picks
1 for 8 in number of games picks (ouch)

Monday, April 12, 2010

The filthier the better.

So watching the Blue Jays home opener tonight made me start thinking about one thing.

No, not about how much money I pissed away on that authentic Alex Rios jersey.

How the hell Alex Gonzalez suddenly found out how to hit? Nope.

It was how I can't wait to have my first one of these of the season:

Call it what you like: dirty dogs, street meat, pigeon sandwich, every one (or every one who isn't lame), loves themselves a nice, hot, filthy, disgusting, hot dog (or sausage) from your local vendor.

Combine that with all the condiments and toppings that haven't been changed since the Blue Jays inaugural season, and you have delicious meal layered with all things dirty.

I remember in grade 7, me and some buddies headed to the Hockey Hall of Fame downtown and capped off our day with some street meat...

That is, until my un-trusting of the world (or just logical) mother saw me about to take a bite and demanded I give it to my friend, who was more than willing to eat my sausage (you're perverted, welcome to the club).

Maybe that's why I love it even more now? A few years ago, I had 3 throughout a day at the Rogers Centre. That was some good eatin'.

So for you prudes who don't/won't eat the filthy goodness that is street meat (sorry Mom), I have one question for you.

How can you not trust this guy?

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Got this in a text message from a friend today:

A man asks his wife, "Can I come in your ear?"

She says, "NO! I might go deaf!"

He says, "Bullshit! I always come in your mouth and you never shut the fuck up!"