Monday, December 9, 2013

Political correctness has gone too far.

I hate political correctness. Not because I don't think it's a good idea, because I think it's gone way too far.

I come across things every day that some idiotic group of people are up in arms over that really should warrant no arguments at all.

I usually just pass them by, silently seething inside accepting the fact that it's just the way society has "progressed".

But wait...

How fucked up is it that I have to accept that?

How is it that society has allowed this to happen? Why do we even let these people think that their opinion is even worth hearing?

An example of this and my inspiration for resurrecting this blog that I haven't touched in over 2 years is the following tweet:

This picture was tweeted by the official SpaghettiO's Twitter account on Saturday, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day in the US.

Not surprisingly, some people were quite offended by this "tasteless act of treason" (or that's what they'd have you believe), and quickly made their voices heard.

First of all, it's an anthropomorphic noodle holding an American flag, not a kamikaze aircraft with a Japanese flag painted in blood on the side.

Is it the text saying to remember a tragic event in history that should never be forgotten that's so offensive?

Holy shit. I find it sad that people will really find a way to be offended by anything.

I understand being offended by something if it's demeaning to a certain group you belong to (gender, sexual orientation, race, etc.) but when you're offended by something this small it's just plain narcissism.

It's basically you believing that you're important enough that people should care about you not liking or agreeing with something.

The fact that we give so much power to a minority of people who in reality don't have much at all is beyond absurd.

99 people out of 100 might be absolutely fine with something, but because that 1 person is offended by it, we have to cater to their needs instead of saying "tough shit, but majority rules".

Not only is that ridiculous, it's making that 1 person believe even more that they're important when they are not.

Common sense has ironically become less commonplace.

Take a look at the cup the next time you buy a coffee. It will more than likely say "Caution! Contents might be hot!"

No fucking shit.

If you're old enough to read and need a warning to tell you that your hot beverage is in fact hot, not only do I hope you scald yourself with it, I sincerely hope you die or kill yourself before reproducing. There are more than enough stupid people in the world.

Back to my original point...

You might think you're some kind of hero successfully getting the word "ass" off the radio, but really you're just a narcissistic, overly sensitive super villain who's fucking things up for everyone else.

I'd like to get way more in-depth into this but unfortunately today's political correctness means that sharing how I truly feel would result in me being labelled a million different things.

(Quick sidebar: stop throwing around "homophobic", "racist",  and "sexist" so easily, you're belittling things that actually warrant the use of those words).

And I'd much rather have the option of being somewhat gainfully employed.


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