Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Goldmember revisited

Austin Powers in Goldmember
Year: 2002
Director: Jay Roach
Starring: Mike Myers

First Impression: I've probably seen this movie at least 20 times. I also saw it in theatres 4 times. I am not proud of this, but at the time this was the absolute pinnacle of comedy to my 13-year-old brain. I could not quote every third line in the movie enough in my daily life. It was also the very first DVD I ever owned.

Prediction: I cringe even thinking of re-watching this. I'd really like to think over the past 12 years that my sense of humour has somewhat improved. This is probably going to retroactively be the worst movie I've ever seen.

Result: The first thing I noticed were all the A-list actors with cameos:

Tom Cruise, Gwenyth Paltrow, Kevin Spacey, Danny DeVito, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg (just to name a few)
At the time, I probably wasn't familiar with any one else's filmography, but now that I do, I wonder why they'd be in any way associated with this piece of shit.

Michael Caine has a supporting role in this???
As much as I'd like to not admit it...there are a few moments that still make me laugh and on occasion still subconsciously use some lines...

But overall, still an abortion of a film that should be set on fire and buried in a landfill. The fact that it along with My Big Fat Greek Wedding were some of the highest grossing films of that year show you where comedy stood in 2002...

Previous: Scarface

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