Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fuck you GO Transit.

I pay 142 bucks a month for a GO Transit pass so I can get to school (Pickering to York University and vice-versa), which is pretty bullshit as it is, but I have to deal with nonetheless. Today from Pickering, I took the Eastbound train to Ajax. During the 5 MINUTE ride, I am approached by an employee checking tickets. Cool, he's doing his job, although he totally missed the dude that was standing next to me that booked it to the next cabin as soon as he saw that he walked down the stairs to check tickets. So he finally gets to me and asks to show me my ticket. I show him my pass and he examines it, taking a lot longer than usual. He then asks me for some ID. Thinking nothing of it, I take my driver's license out while asking him, "Uhh...why?". While taking down my information he informs me that my pass is only valid from York University to Pickering and that I need to purchase a ticket to ride from Pickering to Ajax. What the fuck? I pay 142 bucks a month and you're telling me I have to pay another 7 bucks a day for a 5 minute train ride? Now THAT is some fucking bullshit.

Now I've had other problems with GO Transit before, but since I tend to let shit slide, I just deal with it. Some examples that come to mind are:

1. The buses and trains are NEVER on fucking time. Not once in my life have I ever got on the GO running on schedule. This has fucked me over way too many times.

2. The disgusting state of the buses. I expect it from the TTC (which is surprisingly cleaner), not from GO.

3. The lazy/stupid/rude employees. What about driving a bus or punching tickets gives you the self-entitlement of acting like a fucking douche? It seems every employee I deal with doesn't have any correct information or any information at all when I inquire about something. Not to mention the piece of shit drivers who refuse to drive a bus when I'm the only one on it. I don't fucking care if you feel like a taxi driver, do your fucking job. Also, when it's like -20 outside, and you're still waiting to leave, LET PEOPLE ON THE FUCKING BUS! I'm freezing my ass off while you sit and read/eat/sleep in a warm bus that doesn't leave for another 20 minutes. Thanks asshole.

Now I can expect a hefty fine in the mail because I refuse to spend another 7 dollars for ONE stop on the train.

Fuck you GO Transit.

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