Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fuck you Jason Bay.

Seriously. I hate you now. I was a fan of you when you were a very good, yet kind of under-the-radar outfielder playing for the shitty Pittsburgh Pirates. Even with NO protection at all in an awful lineup, you put up good numbers. And the best thing about it was you (were? are? whatever...) CANADIAN. In a game dominated by Americans (and more than a handful of stars from other countries), it was nice seeing one of few Canadians having success in the MLB. Hell, I even still kind of liked you when you went to the HATED Boston Red Sox. Then you go and get an American citizenship. Why this pisses me off, I have no idea. Whatever, you live there, I probably shouldn't care, but for some unknown reason it makes me dislike you very much. So whatever, we don't need you. This guy is better anyway...

Yes this is old news. But it got me thinking. How many players have I disliked just because they were on a TEAM that I didn't like?

Manny Ramirez - Hated this guy's guts when he played on the Sox. Some of my fondest baseball memories include going to Jays games and sitting in the 100 level left field seats just to rip on him the entire game. There was no doubting that he is one of the best players to ever play the game, but because it was helping the shitty Red Sox, it made me want to sock him in the face (no pun intended?). He gets traded to L.A. and suddenly the cocky, childish and frequently lazy Manny that I grew to hate, suddenly becomes likeable because hey, that's just Manny being Manny.

Dany Heatley - Big fan of this guy as soon as he came into the league. When you win rookie of the year, and then score 41 goals in your sophomore season, it's hard not to like a guy. I was even gonna get his name put on the back of my Team Canada Jersey. Looking back on it, I'm glad I didn't. He got traded to Ottawa after the whole vehicular homicide thing and the hatred began. Every time the Leafs played the Sens this guy seemed to give them fits. In fact, he still does it. Now he's demanding a trade because he doesn't get along with the coaching staff. And not just a straight-up trade, which Ottawa has reportedly granted him, a trade to a team that he approves of. What a cock. Now this dude has gone from a guy I'd want stitched on the back of my still blank 2002 Team Canada Jersey (still the best one if you ask me) to a guy I don't even wanna see on the national team in 2010. Fuck you Dany Heatley.

I'll add more when I think of them, I'm going to bed. Peace.

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