Saturday, June 26, 2010

Christian Rock Hard

I saw these dudes in a huge church downtown with a couple buddies in Grade Nine. I wondered what the hell they were doing performing in a church, then my friend explained to me they're a Christian Rock band. Crazy, my idea of Christian Rock back then was using "Jesus" every two words in a song.

There's a lot of pretty good Christian Rock bands actually, some might surprise you that that's what they identify themselves as.

Anyways, we saw these dudes in a church after suffering through a good hour of prayers and all that jazz (that may have also been the last time I voluntarily stepped into a church too) and after sitting through some shitty opening bands (yes Christian Rock also has the all too familiar crappy opening bands) we finally got to see the trio known as Thousand Foot Krutch, who were actually pretty awesome.

We even got to meet the band after the show. They were some pretty chill, cool guys.

A few years later when they released their album "The Art of Breaking", I heard their song "Move" on WEDG (The Edge in Buffalo), pretty big deal.

Then they had their song "Fire It Up" featured in NHL 10.

In other words, these guys got pretty popular and for good reason, always good to see a good Canadian band make a name for themselves.

So you might be thinking this is just to toot my horn for "knowing them before they got popular", (never understood that either, shouldn't you be happy if one of your favorite bands becomes more successful?) but I guess I'm just reiterating that tired old saying:

Don't judge a book by its cover.

I've been guilty of that countless times whether it's people, music, or whatever but I can honestly say I'm trying to work on that.

I guess the first reaction for most people when they hear "Christian Rock" is bible thumping conservative music but that's not really the case.

I'm not a religious person at all, despite being raised in a religious family but I can honestly say Christian Rock is pretty dope.

Although the episode of South Park with "Faith +1" is pretty dope too.

/useless post

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